Explore Architecture at Unitec – A Hands-On Experience for High School Students
We invite your students to immerse themselves in the world of architecture through an exclusive experience at Unitec. This day offers a unique opportunity for aspiring architects to explore our state-of-the-art facilities and gain firsthand insight into the field.
Students will:
- Attend a presentation by our Head of Architecture, gaining insight into career pathways and the future of architectural design.
- Sit in on Design Studio 1, a foundational class where students will observe creative processes in action.
- Participate in a hands-on practical experience, engaging in real-world architectural challenges.
- Tour our cutting-edge Architecture facilities, including our innovative makerspace, where ideas come to life.
This is a fantastic opportunity for students to get a taste of life in an architecture program and envision their future in the field. Spaces are limited, so don’t miss the chance to inspire your students!
Architecture Experience at Unitec
Monday 30 September (Secondary School Students only)
10:00am to 2:30pm
Registrations open from 9:30am
Mt Albert Campus
Meeting at the Main Hub, Te Puna
Tall Tables – opposite Long Black Cafe