NZ Wide High School Virtual Careers Expo
Thursday 18th June: 12-8 pm and
Friday 19th June: 9-5 pm
The New Zealand Expo will enable you to explore future learning pathways via real time interactivity and engagement with tertiary education providers from all regions of New Zealand. We believe the provision of this event will be critical to ensuring that young adults feel confident and supported, despite the uncertainty caused by COVID-19.
Over 40 tertiary education providers are confirmed for this event including all eight New Zealand universities, plus a wide range of polytechnics, Wananga and private tertiary providers. Attendees will enter a virtual ‘exhibition hall’ and can browse through the participating providers, visiting their virtual stands and engaging in live chats with representatives from each institution.
Just like at a real-life career expo, you will have the opportunity to attend scheduled presentations. Each provider will host a 20-minute webinar session, where attendees can participate in a live Q&A.
This initiative set up by Media Design School has been provided at no cost to the exhibiting education providers or prospective students. Register Here